Digital Communications

SEC Newgate is Australia’s most trusted digital strategy adviser for reputation and public interest issues.

Data analytics and political savvy is at the heart of our approach and we are industry-leaders at applying the latest techniques in online social media analysis to support corporate positioning and public affairs activities.

Whether you have an opportunity to seize or a problem to solve, SEC Newgate’s trusted digital team will tailor an effective online engagement approach.

Strategic Positioning

SEC Newgate’s digital team uses leading-edge data and analysis techniques to help our clients leverage digital platforms to protect and enhance their reputation.

Reputation management in a digital age is more complex than ever before due to an explosion in the number of communications channels and stakeholders, which places increased pressure on your resources.

However, these challenges also provide you with unprecedented opportunities to:

  • Reach and engage stakeholders;
  • Build your profile; and
  • Strengthen your reputation.

The key to leveraging these opportunities is understanding who to engage, when to engage, and on what channels.

Our strategic expertise in corporate communications and public affairs is what sets us apart and enables us to provide tailored advice that incorporates the leading edge of digital strategy.

Specific services include:

  • Generating data insights and analysis to help you understand which platforms are best suited to your needs, and which stakeholders to target;
  • Designing strategies to position your organisation as an industry leader across digital channels;
  • Leveraging the strengths and opportunities of social platforms to raise your organisation’s profile, engage senior stakeholders, advocate for your industry or business, and engage employees; and
  • Developing corporate websites, ranging from end-to-end rebuilds to reviewing and refining content to ensure delivery of a strong company narrative.

All of our recommendations are designed to enhance your broader communications and engagement approach and ensure a consistent narrative across platforms.

Crisis and Issues Management

SEC Newgate’s digital team will help you integrate digital activities into your broader crisis communications strategy to ensure a timely and consistent communications response that mitigates risk.

We provide support across the entire issues or crisis management journey, from planning and preparation to response and recovery, underpinned by a world class Crisis App platform.

Planning and Preparation:

  • We work with you to integrate digital crisis management into broader crisis communications plans;
  • We help you prepare holding statements, collateral and key messages for use on a range of platforms including social media, your corporate website and email; and
  • We oversee your community management frameworks, including:
  • Response protocols
  • Escalation procedures
  • Content approval processes that integrate with existing operating procedures.

Crisis response and recovery services:

  • We can help you rapidly assess the online environment in relation to your issue using our Digital Optics Reports. These reports use the powerful mapping technique of social network analysis to identify clusters of conversation in the online world and provide you insights about the key influencers involved to inform your communications response;
  • We prepare and deploy a digital response plan through the course of the crisis, including communications and engagement on social media, your corporate website, and other channels such as email;
  • Our team conducts real-time social media monitoring and reporting to understand how the issue is playing out in the public domain; and
  • We offer strategic advice on how digital platforms can be used to facilitate reputation repair and recovery.

SEC Newgate Crisis App:

Our crisis advice services are additionally supported by our crisis app platform:

  • We provide a fully customisable app designed to make you better prepared and able to respond faster in a crisis.
  • SEC Newgate’s crisis experts can help you transform your crisis plans into effective crisis playbooks that optimise the benefits available through the app.
  • The app provides you instant access to your response protocols, and people from one easy to set up platform.

Digital Campaigning

SEC Newgate’s team will provide you with strategic and tactical digital campaign support, working closely with our government relations and media specialists to leverage every available campaign tool.

Using these tools, we create an environment whereby achieving change or reform becomes a strategic imperative for decision-makers.

Our techniques are designed to:

  • Nurture and grow grassroots support;
  • Reach and recruit new supporters;
  • Build strategic alliances with a range of influential players; and
  • Create an environment for persuasive engagement with decision-makers.

Specific services include:

Campaign Preparation

  • We will prepare a Digital Optics Report, which takes social media analysis to a new level by applying sophisticated Social Network Analysis (SNA) techniques to deliver you a rapid assessment of the online landscape, and identify stakeholders and influencers that are truly influential, not just active;
  • We design highly targeted strategies that leverage available channels to engage stakeholders at key milestones over the course of the campaign;
  • We design and build campaign infrastructure, including campaign websites, supporter databases and other tools; and
  • We conceptualise, design and produce campaign creative for the web, social, paid media and other platforms.

Campaign Execution and Evaluation

  • We will help you to roll out the campaign on agreed channels and content formats, at agreed milestones;
  • Our rapid analysis and reporting will assess the real-time impact of your campaign activity;
  • We use these data insights to make real-time adjustments to your campaign approach to improve campaign outcomes; and
  • The insights from digital campaign activities also inform our approach to media engagement, government relations and other activities.

Digital Performance Reviews

SEC Newgate uses its leading edge data and analysis capabilities to provide practical, actionable advice on how to make your digital presence work harder to support your corporate and public affairs strategy.

We draw from a suite of tools and techniques to comprehensively review the performance of our clients’ digital communications activities.

These tools include:

  • Digital Optics Reports: We can provide you with a rapid assessment of your current online issues, the stakeholders of relevance and the major implications for consideration.
  • Social media reviews: Using in-built social media analytics platforms, SEC Newgate can assess your performance on key channels in comparison to competitors, and provide recommendations for strengthening your presence.
  • Social Audits: Combining two methods of analysis – social network analysis and social listening – we take a deep-dive into your online environment, and provide detailed digital communications advice on how to strategically engage priority stakeholders, and the relevant community effectively.
  • Social media monitoring and listening: When clients are facing a high-volume of scrutiny on social channels, our team can help you sift through the noise to understand what’s going on and how to effectively respond.

C-Suite Social Media Coaching

SEC Newgate has been trusted by leaders in corporate and government to elevate their individual corporate digital presence across popular platforms.

In this digital age, audiences are looking for credible and personable voices to engage with online.

Our C-Suite Coaching will help your senior people to promote your organisation’s narrative in the most effective way possible.

Building up the deliverers of your message through coaching and understanding of best practice engagement is important to win over audiences in the digital space, and can set your organisation apart from the competition.

SEC Newgate will help you to understand:

  • How best to utilise your platform;
  • How to effectively engage with digital audiences; and
  • How to proactively integrate digital engagement alongside traditional forms of campaigning and media.

SEC Newgate’s personalised, one-on-one coaching caters to a wide range of existing skill levels and canvasses a variety of platforms, such as LinkedIn. The coaching will outline:

  • A foundation understanding of the basics and best practice principles, engagement techniques and content strategy;
  • How to elevate your digital communications with detailed audience insights, integrated platform strategies and planning, and positioning;
  • Advice on integrating your digital presence with your corporate activities;
  • How to leverage partnerships with stakeholders; and
  • Opportunities for advocacy within your own organisation to build your brand.
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A nation-leading digital team

Our team is comprised of the nation’s top strategists in data, campaigning and reputation.

Data is at the heart of our approach. Our team includes some of the nation’s top quantitative scientists, sourced from leading national and international academic institutions. They apply their experience with experimental design, mathematics, advanced analytics and reporting to advise on how the online environment is shaping and influencing today’s current issues.

Our data scientists work hand-in-hand with our team of digital communications specialists, sourced from Australia’s top digital entities, political parties, advocacy groups and community organisations to make your digital platforms work harder for your corporate and public affairs strategy.